RISE Ministries Launches a PODCAST!

RISE MINISTRIES launches a Podcast!

Recently, we've been sharing Stories of Strength and now we want to share "Enjoying the Journey" with you! If you didn't know, RISE Ministries founder, Rob Roozeboom was diagnosed with a debilitating degenerative disease (severe muscular dystrophy) at age 5, but, through Christ, his family & friends, and a lot of perseverance, he has learned to "enjoy the journey," and see God at work through whatever life throws his way.

Enjoying the Journey will include great interviews with who have also struggles in their lives, but have learned to "enjoy the journey," and praise God through it all. We're so happy you're joining us!

Our first guest is Darren Mulligan from We Are Messengers. He talked about how we need to lean on Jesus all of the time, not just when we are struggling, "If God is only good whenever everything is easy, he's not our God at all. He's just a little genie."

Listen now to hear the rest of the conversation! Find our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcasts.