USDA Food Distribution

We at RISE were blessed to serve the communities of Sheldon, LeMars, and other surrounding cities by giving out food boxes from the USDA food distribution program! This federal donation gave us the opportunity to distribute boxes of food (close to 20lbs!) that were full of items like yogurt, apples, potatoes, cheese, chicken, soup mix, and other goods, along with a gallon of milk per box!

The day started with a bit of chaos, as the original truck from the USDA arrived in LeMars over 6 hours late! However, with the help of some incredible volunteers and community leaders, we were able to have a truck from Sheldon ready when the food arrived. The people waiting for food in LeMars were all given food boxes, and we were still able to get our required amount on our semi-truck to return to Sheldon! We arrived in Sheldon with the food, to a parking lot packed full of people, who were organized into lines and "drive-through" lanes by the volunteers waiting for us at Living Waters church. Once all of the food was unloaded and organized, all cars and households were given the amount they asked for in under an hour!!! What an amazing opportunity to serve!