Enjoying the Journey Podcast Episode 32: Ebony Small

On today's episode of "Enjoying the Journey", we are honored and blessed to be joined by Pastor Ebony Small! Pastor Ebony is a dynamic woman of faith, impassioned by her strong conviction in Christ alone. Born in New York City, she accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior at the age of eleven, yet it wouldn’t be until she became a young adult that the reality of Jesus Christ as Lord took up root and cemented her walk with God. Pastor Ebony is vice president of global ministries at Pulse Movement, a ministry committed to awaken culture to the reality of Jesus. She was formerly the director of Movement Day Expressions at MOVEMENT.ORG, where she was dedicated to catalyzing leaders to affect cities across the globe. We loved making this episode so much, and Rob and Ebony had a great time talking about her work at Pulse while still being a pastor in Harlem, the transformation of her job/life in the past year, and where her passions (and, of course, the Lord??) are taking her next!!!

Listen here.