Partner with Rise on the Road

Rise on the Road, it is a week-long mission trip designed to give high-school-aged students the opportunity to serve communities in need. 

We've helped 32 communities in the United States and the Dominican Republic since Rise on the Road started in 2008. Students help these communities through small construction projects, painting, cleaning and building relationships with local community members. Through working they 

Rise on the Road is more than taking a group of students on a mission trip. We want to equip students to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We want these trips to open their eyes to see beyond themselves and follow the little voice inside to help their neighbor.

Olivia Quote

How you can partner

Join us in making a difference for $25 a month to help students get out of their comfort zone and serve others. Your gift has twice the impact: It benefits students serving and the individuals they have the privilege of helping.
