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We're honored to be joined by our new friend, Jordan Whitmer, on episode 33 of Enjoying the Journey!
Rob got to speak at the August Leadership Lunch and Learn at Okoboji Bible Conference Ministries!
We are honored and blessed to be joined by Pastor Ebony Small on this episode of Enjoying the Journey!
Rob Roozeboom was on the Daily Grind this morning.
Impact Youth Summit on the RiseFest grounds!
This episode may be one of our favorites because our guest is our very own intern/Rob's assistant, Parker Nissen!
Our team was at the Motorcycle Ride & Steak Dinner at American Reformed Church.
We're so excited to chat with Taylor Turkington, founder of BibleEquipping, an organization that equips women to study and teach the Bible.
Rob got to speak at Spirit Lake United Methodist Church.
We were so blessed to hear Jon Gordon speak in Sheldon a few months ago and even more excited to have him as a guest on Enjoying the Journey!